Caribou Falls State Wayside

I'm a huge sucker for waterfalls. There are so many unique falls along the North Shore of Lake Superior, some right off the road and some requiring further hikes. I'm honestly surprised that Caribou Falls isn't more well-known, considering it's size and proximity to Highway 61. My guess is that it's less traveled due to not being part of a state park. After stopping here, I consider it one of the must-sees along the North Shore.

Caribou Falls State Wayside was a quick add-on to our North Shore weekend last fall (read more and see our full agenda here). Minnesota has 9 state waysides, which are too small to be considered a full state park, but containing important cultural or natural resources and beautiful views. Most have minimal to no facilities. This wayside does have a vault toilet in the parking lot. The trail is not maintained in the winter.

Navigate to Caribou Falls State Wayside, which is just past mile 70.5 on Highway 61. When the water level is low, you can hike right along the Caribou River. We opted for the trail itself (AllTrails map), which is only 0.6 miles out (1.2 miles total). The peaceful hike runs parallel to the babbling river. Trees were mostly green with a few pops of yellow. The trail does climb 100 feet in half mile, so be prepared for a steady, gradual elevation gain.

We heard the roar of the falls as we turned left and descended about 150 stairs to the base of the 40-foot waterfall. Sheer cliffs filled with greenery on either side added to the appeal of the water cascading over the massive rocks. There isn't much room at the base of the falls, so we were glad it wasn't busy. We were able to marvel at the power and feel the mist all by ourselves for a while before another group eventually joined.

An add-on to this trail that is easy to miss is the overlook of Lake Superior above the falls. We ascended the stairs and continued uphill along the trail. It's not much further, so there's no reason not to check it out. The overlook contains a wooden platform with a railing and a peek-a-boo view of Lake Superior through the pine trees. Looking over the railing, you can see the very top of the Caribou Falls. After enjoying the scene, turn back and enjoy an easy descent back to the parking lot.


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